Solar System Adelaide: The Benefits of a Solar Power System

Solar power systems generate electricity through the photovoltaic effect – photons striking solar cells to loosen electrons from their atoms and generate electricity. Solar modules then connect to an inverter that converts DC energy into AC energy for use by residential or commercial users.

solar system AdelaideBefore installing a solar system Adelaide, take time to assess the costs and responsibilities.


Many factors influence the cost of solar power systems, including size, energy-efficiency rating and whether you choose thin-film or crystalline panels. A great place to begin when considering installing a system is using the Department of Energy calculator which takes your address into account and provides you with an estimated size and cost estimate that could offset your average electricity usage.

Before investing in solar power systems, it’s essential to carefully consider their initial investment costs – these can sometimes rival that of a mid-size car! Most financing options for such systems exist such as loans or PACE programs.

Ongoing maintenance costs should be minimal if solar panels are kept clean and free from environmental influences, though you may require tree trimming services if there are trees blocking sunlight from reaching solar panels in your yard.


Solar PV systems help reduce fossil fuel usage, mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and promote energy independence – as well as save on electric bills! They may even help save you money!

Solar panels produce direct current (DC), while most household appliances require alternating current (AC). An inverter converts DC energy to AC power that can be utilised throughout your home and electricity cables are necessary to transport this power from its source to all your devices.

When using a grid-tie solar system, your electric utility will credit your account when you send back more energy than you consume over a given month – this process is known as net metering. If eligible, battery banks may also help offset energy consumption. It is important to consider factors like energy use and available space before making the decision of installing solar system Adelaide – alternatively you could consider setting up hybrid system using both batteries as storage as well as backup sources of backup power.


Solar systems are built to last, yet complications may still arise over their 25 year lifespan. Bad weather, acts of God or even malfunctioning equipment could potentially disrupt its operation; most issues related to your solar system’s upkeep can usually be solved with an operations and maintenance (O&M) package.

O&M packages usually cover the costs associated with routine cleaning and inspections that will ensure your solar energy system stays operational. Technicians will check electrical connections, module clamps and frame corrosion before assessing its overall efficiency using monitoring stats or records from onsite monitors. Furthermore, technicians will examine both generation meter and junction box to make sure both function properly.

Solar panel cleaning should be carried out regularly to avoid build-up of dirt and dust that reduces efficiency, either by letting rain wash it off or hiring professional services for this job.


The Federal Investment Tax Credit (ITC) offers significant incentives to home owners who invest in solar energy, though only if you own and generate electricity with your system in the United States. Congress recently reduced this credit from 30% to 26% for systems installed between now and 2032.

This credit can help offset your taxable income, though it is nonrefundable – meaning if it exceeds what is owed in taxes, any difference cannot be reclaimed from the IRS. Any unused portion can be carried forward into subsequent years.

State and local governments often offer rebates and sales tax exemptions to homeowners who install solar system Adelaide, further decreasing the overall costs. By taking advantage of all available incentives, solar can become much less costly for home owners.